This blog represents the artistic side of the upcoming projects from SND Games that are currently under development. All content shown
should be considered a work-in-progress. All feedback regarding gameplay should be directed to the main blog of SND Games.
This blog is not monitored for gameplay-related comments and they may either go unapproved or unanswered.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Week #030: Gemstone Dwarfs

Promotional concept artwork of Hugo and Trixie, the gemstone dwarf poster children.
Images represent a game currently in development.
Brave and burly, the Gemstone Dwarfs hail from cities of crystal grown on the water's surface. Using their mysterious ability to crystallize liquid matter through touch, they intricately craft their cities, expansive underwater mines, and can even walk on water!
Height roster in the game's discarded pre-alpha hand-drawn graphics style.
Images represent a game currently in development.
My philosophy while designing the dwarfs - as it is with anything these days - was breaking the mold. I feel that it's important for any media today to grab the viewer's attention with original ideas, and while games can also do this through unique mechanics, I feel that it's still important to explore these options from an artistic standpoint. I frequently feel that I wouldn't be doing my job if I wasn't.
Variations on dwarf appearance including hairstyles.
Images represent a game currently in development.
With the dwarfs, I sought to do this through both visual and character design. Most will still recognize them as the beloved stout warriors at a glance - like several of you did even from the early teasers. But when you dig deeper than that, you'll find that they're different from the usual mountain-dwellers.
Modeling sheet for the gemstone dwarfs.
Images represent a game currently in development.
I hope everyone enjoys this preview of the Gemstone Dwarfs coming soon to HTD! I'm currently looking into other methods of further exploring their background and just who they are as a race, so I hope you look forward to that, too.


  1. Replies
    1. No... I'm first. You just cast a spell to paralyze me for a few days... I would have made it... Cheater :P

  2. Feels like the Hugo was the old version of Maximus body

    1. When I revealed the redo of Maximus, a few people mentioned preferring the original, stouter build. These comments were certainly an influence on the creation of dwarfs. :)

  3. Wait...Shouldn't you guys be working on turning these into 3d polygons and not 2d drawings? Anyways Great job!

    1. I only did this one view in the pre-alpha graphic style for the sake of proof of concept. They're a little more fun to look at than silly little scribbles. But they're still useful to the 3D artist (Evan) as he builds the actual in-game models.

      I am not a 3D graphic artist, so it wasn't a case of poorly placed priorities.

  4. Wow you had me fooled with the second teaser. The angle of the shoes and the dress made me think for sure it was an ant.

  5. Wait so if humans can use each elemental, are these guys going to be using strengthend light and earth powers?

    1. No, as far as I know, Dan doesn't want to create any elemental or class restrictions or advantages between races.

      My dwarfs don't have anything to do with the earth, either. If anything, it would probably be water. :)

    2. Wow, I was thinking earth because of the whole gemstone thing and then I reread the post and found out what you were talking about.

  6. When will we be able to play them?

  7. Byebye blog :(
    Will there be an art blog like this for ANPO?

    1. Oh, I'm not going anywhere. I'll likely repurpose this space for SND projects in general. Since I'll likely change the URL when I do this, I plan to make a post so that anyone who follows via bookmarks will know to update.

      I'll likely repurpose this specifically to talk about ANPO initially, yes.
